Organic Fertilizer Granules
Our OrganicFertilizer Granule is a premium product crafted from high-quality Bentonite andenriched with essential nutrients like Nitrogen, Phosphorous, and potassium.ensuring optimal plant growth and soil health.
1. BalancedNutrient Supply: Packed with vital nutrients including Nitrogen, Phosphorous,and Potash, this fertilizer provides a balanced supply of essential elementsnecessary for healthy plant growth and development.
2. EnhancedSoil Health: The inclusion of organic carbon helps improve soil structure,promote microbial activity, and increase soil fertility, ensuring a sustainableand productive agricultural environment.
3. ImprovedCrop Yield: By offering a comprehensive nutrient profile, including necessarymicronutrients, this fertilizer supports the complete lifecycle of crops,leading to higher yields and better-quality produce.
4. OptimalGrowth: The nutrients in the granules are available in adequate quantities.promoting vigorous root and shoot development, leading to stronger and moreresilient plants.
5. ConvenientApplication: Designed to be used as a base fertilizer at the time of sowing,these granules simplify the fertilization process, ensuring that plants receiveessential nutrients right from the start.
6. SustainableAgriculture: Made from organic materials, this fertilizer supports eco-friendlyfarming practices, reducing the need for chemical inputs and contributing tolong-term soil health and sustainability.
7. MicronutrientEnrichment: In addition to primary nutrients, the granules are fortified withnecessary micronutrients that support various physiological functions inplants, promoting overall growth and health.
8. Long-LastingEffects: The slow-release properties of the granules ensure a steady supply ofnutrients over time, minimizing nutrient loss and maximizing efficiency.
By incorporating our Organic Fertilizer Granule into your farming practices, youcan achieve healthier soil, robust plants, and increased productivity, allwhile supporting sustainable and environmentally friendly agriculture.
For inquiries or bulk orders, contact FARMADIL INDIALLP at +91 9998909091, or email